Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Election Season '11

Has officially begun. With a resounding bang that was hopefully not her last song, Ms. Blake retired from office and left the floor open, though with numerous warnings, to future 'entertainers' of ISLAS.

So far there has been only one campaign begun, that of Kitty and Mr. Geleynse, yet again. There were complaints about the repetition of old campaigns, albeit only by one ISLASer.

Personally, the journalists at the Scoop are hoping that there will be some excitement this year. The best kind of story is an exciting one. Hopefully the candidates will take note and come up with a few new tricks.

Here's to a new year on ISLAS!

If you have something you would like us to post or have information or anything you think we may be interested in, feel free to send it to theislasscoop@gmail.com. Please also comment on the forum so we have some notification and actually remember to check the Scoop's email. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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