Saturday, October 5, 2013


My Dear Reader,

There are days I remember the times I reported the ISLAS happenings for you all. Those are good days. And today I decided to reread the stories. I began to remember even more. How much fun they were to write (try being an anonymous mock-reporter, it is a BLAST), how ridiculous the elections were, how mock-serious we were about completely and utterly preposterous things and how incredibly fun that was...

But, today, reader, is the day I reveal who was behind it all. You may have guessed (and, if so, I sadly am not as clever as I believed myself to be, but I still am pretty clever), but now you will know.

The Scoop began as an effort of the Nimba Jimbian (also known as Regina). As one who had read and very much enjoyed all the news-y efforts of other ISLAS-ers, I thought, 'Hey, I should do my own!' And the thought of anonymous reporting just tickled me, so I did it.

Then, and I don't remember the exact circumstances, I asked Erin (of the B sort) to aid and abet my fabulous schemings. She agreed, and together we made ISLAS history (or so I would like to believe).

Oh, nostalgia... Re-reading the articles on this blog just reminds me how much I loved it. (I'm also impressed by my writing. Wow, self!) Thanks for being great, reader. If I never mentioned you in a story, I apologize. Have a great life, reader. You are doing great things and you will do even more. Keep being fantastic.

Here ends the last post of the wonderful Scoop.

- The Nimba Jimbian

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