Saturday, September 26, 2009

Interview: Hunter-Regentin Campaign

Next Miss Blake has interviewed the Hunter-Regentin campaign, using most of the same questions.

EB: Mr. Daniel Hunter and Miss Lyss Regentin,

Why do you want to be this year's presidential team?

DH: Because we believe we can make ISLAS a better place.

And we're cool.

LR: I believe ISLAS needs us, and that we can give ISLAS the full randomness and craziness that it deserves. And we’re cool.

EB: Mr. Hunter and Miss Regentin,

Why do you think you will be good leaders?

DH: Good question.

I personally believe that I could be a more superior leader than any other candidate could because I am unique, and can offer ISLAS a completely new level of insanity, lameness, change, and awesomeness.

LR: I came from the original ISLAS, I was a real ISLASer. I remember the old days and the good times. As VP, I would like to use my oldie skills, and Mr. Hunter's more, ahem, newer qualities and make ISLAS have the perfect mixture of each.

EB: What do you intend to do when you're President? What are some solid objective goals for Islas?

DH: If I win the elections, I will make a new avatar and signature store

And make people avvy's and siggy's free of charge

I will execute a few people, make awesome campaign videos, and make new friends.

LR: Our first goal is to hand out chocolate to everyone. Everyone should have chocolate!

EB: How will these goals affect us as Islasers?

DH: It will make some of you dead, and make some of you have awesome siggy’s and the rest of you happy.

LR: People will be happier. A happier ISLAS means more posting!

EB: How would you answer to Mr. John Ahern's accusation you are engaging in "inexcusable Demagoguery"?

DH: I think it is not true and I haven’t been doing any of that.

LR: I would like to know first what Daniel's inexcusable suchlike actions are. Then I would like to ask, don’t all presidential campaigns? Whether they are extremely noticeable or not, I refuse to point out faults in other campaigns. Overall, I believe Daniel has been no worse then anyone other President hopefuls.

EB: Why should we vote for you?

LR: Because we have chocolate! And we want to bring the forum together, newbies and oldies alike to keep the spirit of ISLAS alive!

DH: Because we will offer ISLAS stuff never seen before, as stated above.

I really enjoy strawberry shakes, cookies, peach cobbler, and ice cream. If you do as well, Vote Hunter-Regentin 2009!

The Hunter-Regentin is offering great benefits: awesome avatars, super signatures, and wonderful chocolate – the whole deal. It looks like everyone can be expecting little packages of chocolate in the mail! They’re definitely using a new approach to politics. Their goal is to bring happiness and posts to Islas. They state they will do this by fun benefits, executions, and chocolate. Their campaign claims that using Daniel’s new ideas and Lyss’ experience they will unite Islas towards greater happiness and chocolate. Islas is very much bound up in its forum – these ideas of Mr. Hunter and Lyss will perhaps draw the forum closer together in awesomeness. These ideas will definitely excite voters for Hunter-Regentin. The chocolate especially, brings exciting thoughts to mind. What flavor? Milk Chocolate? Will the Presidency be providing us with high quality chocolate? How much chocolate?

However, perhaps this is taking an overly optimistic view of humanity. Will chocolate and executions really create friendship and happiness? Is it realistic to promise chocolate to the Islas nation? Should Mr. Hunter have something more serious to bring Islasers together? Or is Islas the very soul of Islas bound up in such antics and grave ideas are unnecessary to unite Islas?

I realize that some of you have expressed concerns about the nature of your reporter. Yes, I am an outright supporter of the Geleynse-Bertilson campaign. However, I will not edit any of the other campaigns in such a way that would cause their credibility or desirability to fall such as putting in excess typos or misrepresenting views. In interest of readability, I am editing all irrelevant chatter from all campaign interviews. I will also try to make my completing blurb as unbiased as possible.

Thank you,

Erin ~ Reporter for The Scoop


The Quiet Woman said...

A chicken in every pot, h'm?

Anonymous said...

Wahhhh! some of my best friends are chickens! You would put them in a pot, would you????