Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Interview: Geleynse-Bertilson Campaign

On Tuesday, Erin Blake, reporter for the Scoop, interviewed Mr. Geleynse and Miss Bertilson concerning their candidacy.

EB: Mr. Andre Geleynse and Miss Regina Bertilson,

You are running for the Office of Prime Minister and Vice Minister.

Why exactly, do you want to be Islas's coming prime ministerial team?

AG: Not only do we believe Islas deserves better than just executing everyone in sight,

We also want to unite ISLAS, and bring them together over new and exciting ideas and schemes.

And always remember, my fellow Islasers, remember this - the answer. Remember...42!

EB: Why do you think you will be a best leader for Islas?

AG: Islas needs a leader who can defend against attacks, both physically and mentally. We can do that, because we’re smart, funny, and I know karate! Obviously to lead in Islas, insanity is needed, which we provide in generous proportions, although we retain enough sanity so that we don't suffer from any true mental illnesses, like Multiple Personality Disorder.

EB: What do you intend to do when you are Prime Minister? What are some solid objective goals for Islas?

RB: We have three official ideas, two that, I promise, will provide much entertainment for the populace of ISLAS through the coming months, and one that will to make difference in the real world.

EB: How will these goals affect us as Islasers?

RB: The humorous ideas, with the traditional ISLAS spirit will help form new generations of ISLAS-ers and join the old generations with the new and help sooth election sores.

Our serious idea will help strengthen ISLAS resolve to change the world for the better, to Do Hard Things.

EB: How do you answer to Mr. John Ahern's accusation that you're appealing to the baser instincts of Islasers?

AG: Yes, Mr. Ahern's views are understandable given the way we have been running our campaign so far, but as you will no doubt learn from this interview, we have several plans that most certainly appeal to more than Islasers’ “baser instinctis”.

EB: Why should we vote for you?

AG: It is up to the voters who they want to lead, of course, but I honestly think that we would be the best for Islas. We will provide both hilarity and honest helping work. I mean...Rufus supports us, so it must be true!

Over the whole of Mr. Andre Geleynse’s Prime Ministerial campaign, there has been a type of joy and insanity. His closing remark evidences this – As does his opening statement, “Remember…42”. This is perhaps a good thing; one that encourages spirit and humor in Islasian commoners. If Andre and Regina could only advertise humor, certainly, their candidacy would be quite shallow and debatably worthy.

Nevertheless, it appears the Geleynse-Bertilson campaign is adding a new factor to their campaign: sober ideas. However, they have not given any factual promises. They have only let on that they have ideas. Yet this seems to be an improvement over their former shallow campaigning. They would have us believe the meat of this campaign is two-fold containing both jolly hilarity and serious ambitions. The policy of secrecy about important matters could excite voters, or conversely, it could turn them off.

Is their “honest helping work” something for us to be excited about? Will hilarity and “Hard Things” be the best for Islas?

I leave this to you, voters, to discern.

Please contact the Scoop at to send in articles, interviews, suggestions, etc. Also, you may contact Miss Blake for information, if that is easier.


Anonymous said...

Decidedly not. Mr. Geleynse will destroy the very heart of ISLAS if he is elected. Anyway, what's wrong with a couple of executions here and there? ;-P

Tell Mr. Geleynse to take his Prime Minister nonsense and throw it out the window. He's better off doing some push-ups. *G*

Erin said...

When you make derogatory, we'd thank you if you'd do it in your own character.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you're so true, it scares me. :P

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